
Friday, December 13, 2024

That Feaster Five Thing

Pre-race packet pick-up for the win

Ayyyy all our good plans for the Feaster Five Thanksgiving 5k went out the window when a cold steady rain decided to hit our drought riddled state on Thanksgiving morning. Chip had been beating back a cold earlier in the week, and driving an hour north to Andover to run in the rain was not appealing to him. So instead, we decided to pivot and run a Virtual Feaster the following day, Friday November 29th, instead.

Except that didn't go as planned, either. Chip, (who is training for a triathlon with his friends sometime in the undetermined future), chose to sleep in the next day... promising to run with me when he returns home in December for his Christmas break. Lol.

(Note: I haven't gone on a run since November 29th, so that's not happening either.)

My renamed Virtual Feaster Five was done alone -- a rail trail out and back, a bit short of the full 5k, but it felt good. Unfortunately, life has gotten hectic since the holiday and all good intentions have gone off the rails. Maybe 2025 will bring another running re-set.

Virtual Feaster 5K, rail trail edition