Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Coffeenuering Ride 3: Trail to Salem

Coffeeneuring Ride 3: On the Grind Cafe

Drought conditions continue here in Eastern Massachusetts and several wildfires have flared up over the last few days. I rode the rail trail into Salem despite the less-than-ideal air quality, telling myself it wasn't that bad -- but ending up with a sore and scratchy throat by the end of the day. I headed to On the Grind Cafe on Jefferson Ave for Coffeeneuring ride #3, just enough beyond the tourist area that it wasn't crawling with people. 

The weather has been spectacular, although again, very dry. I stopped by Hawthorn Pond where ducks are still often around this time of year. The pond was gone. Completely dry and dead, no water, no fish, no ducks. Crazy. I imagine if we don't get significant snow this winter, that pond might not recover in the Spring.  

Hawthorn Pond, drought damage