
Friday, September 6, 2024

Let's Go! The September Reset

September riding
September sunshine!

Well, that summer just flew. It was a mixed bag of pretty much everything... good days, bad days, wet weather, blown chances, and good friends. Both boys living under the same roof wasn't always cozy as they're beginning to navigate their own paths. Chip is no longer content to follow Will's lead, and that lead to a few blow ups. Will buckled down with his studies as his first semester in medical school got under way, and Chip spent the summer shucking oysters to replenish his bank account. With him back in Michigan, it's been quiet, and I miss him.

My cut flower garden was a great success, and I've been gifting zinnia and sunflower bouquets to friends and family. My pumpkin beds took an unfortunate turn, however, and were attacked with powdery mildew in August. I managed to harvest a dozen small white and orange pumpkins before pulling out and discarding the vines. I'm not sure which weather I prefer -- the wet, muggy summer we had this summer or the drought from 2022. I'd make a terrible farmer.

It wasn't a great summer for my cycling and fitness goals either. I came up short in both regards. I don't know why I slipped so far down the ladder, why I couldn't get myself on the bike, or lace up for a run, but I didn't... and now here it is September and I'm working out of the hole.

The IM Lake Placid gang

I miss the days of big athletic goals and long training rides and workouts with friends. In July, a few of us headed to Lake Placid for Jennifer and Amy's Ironman triathlon. (A fellow former SpiderOne Racing athlete Serie K. was also competing). It was a great weekend and I felt myself mentally pulling myself together. I'm so proud of both Amy and Jennifer for putting themselves through the grind. I'm old, secretly gray, have bad knees, and several extra pounds, but I'm the same age Amy is so I have no excuse.

So with the arrival of September and the distractions of summer behind me, I'm back at it. I'm already on Day 1, Week 2 of a 5k running program, and dusted off my bike for my first ride in a while. Hopefully I can keep this momentum going!

Just Run