
Saturday, November 4, 2023

Coffeeneuring Ride 5, Sunrise start

Early morning double sunrise
I know I'm lucky to live where we do -- it's just a short hop to the beach -- and yet I don't take advantage of catching the sunrise often enough. I was up early today and thinking about brewing my first cup of coffee when I received a text from Will, (already at work), alerting me to the pinks and purples in the sky. I headed down to the beach, thinking there was still 15 minutes before the sunrise, watching the pinks and purples in the sky become shades of red and orange as I got closer to the ocean.

When I arrived at the beach, I was surprised to see the sun was already well above the horizon, a bit hazy from the clouds. My timing must have been off?? But, as I sat on the seawall and enjoyed the changing colors, the sounds of the surf, and the gulls flying overhead, the actual sun popped up over the horizon, giving the illusion of two suns. Stunning.

Today's coffee ride was to Salem, taking the rail trail and new Canal Street bike path that drops you right into Riley Plaza, Salem. (Is it still called Riley Plaza?) I've been trying to visit new coffee places during this year's Coffeeneuring Challenge, and decided to try Camilla's Cafe and Breakfast on Canal Street, adjacent to the bike path. (It's a new-ish place in the original HoneyDew Donuts shop.) The coffee was good but my timing may have been off because they didn't have much in the way of small snacks. I ordered a cappuccino and croissant and sat by a sunny window to warm up. 

Coffeneuring Ride 5, Camilla's Cafe

I headed back home, staying on Canal Street to Loring Ave and then through the Forest River area. There still isn't much foliage to be seen this year -- and many trees have gone straight from green to brown and leafless, (with no change of colors in between). Crazy weather we're having, but lovely for riding.