
Monday, July 25, 2022

Hot Summer, Easy Days

Adams Pond, Bridgton, Maine
Summer is well underway and I’m ready to toss my training plans aside for lack of a true goal. There just isn't anything on the horizon right now that's of interest to me. Flow State Mountain Biking Festival and NEMBAfest are coming up over the next two weekends, but I'm skipping both this year. King Challenge is scheduled for October 15th, but it's less than a week before Alison, Jennifer, and Amy head out to California for IM Sacramento, so that's out as well. (It will be Alison's final Ironman, maybe.)
Views from Mt Ascutney
I’m taking a break from our Saturday rides for a few weeks, and will get back to it in the fall. Mike and I spent some time up in the lakes region of Maine last week, and then headed over to Vermont for a couple of days. We did a few hikes while we were away -- mostly easy to moderate trails -- it was hot up north! We cut our hike up Mt Ascutney short of the summit, with a plan to revisit on a cooler day. It's been a scorcher of a July!
But all in all, it's been an easy summer with family, friends, low key hikes and bike rides and time spent in the garden. (Zero training.) Maybe by September I'll feel more motivated to kick something into gear. For now, I'm just enjoying these dog days of summer.
Summer in Marblehead