
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Day

Two weeks post-op and all is going well! I've had less pain and inflammation than expected and was up and mobile soon after surgery. (Mike and the boys took excellent care of me!) My orthopedist told me straight up before the surgery that my recovery would take longer because of my age. Mmmhhhmmm. Clearly he saw me as a 56 year old woman, and not as an older athlete who injured herself on a run. But, at any rate, I'm doing better than expected and got the go-ahead to slowly re-build my fitness, Today I walked a half mile and caught the sunrise over the beach. So serene.

It's Christmas Eve day, which is hard to believe. We've pared back our holiday celebrations this year and won't be hosting family get-togethers due to the pandemic. Because of this, Christmas feels very low-key, but I'm enjoying having the boys home for the holidays. A new year is around the corner.