
Monday, November 23, 2020

Coffeeneuring Ride 7, Rainy Day

Pond selfie, final ride, Coffeeneuring 2020

We had torrential rain for the majority of the day, eventually clearing out for me to get in my final Coffeeneuring ride for 2020 before darkness settled in. For a while I didn't think I'd manage that last ride as thunder rolled through and the rain came down in sheets, but luck was on my side. As soon as I saw a break in the rain, I headed out.

I rode an out and back ride on the rail trail, with a side detour through the Ware Pond Conservation Area. The combined sounds of the rain hitting the leaves, and honking from nearby geese who haven't yet flown south for the winter, were amplified by the humidity near the pond. It was surprisingly loud, but also peaceful.

After leaving the conservation area, I headed out towards the main road to stop at Evan's Deli for a late coffee. Sadly, their coffee is just trash -- I didn't even finish it -- but I had a mini brownie that made up for it. Coffeeneuring 2020 complete, making it #5 for me (of 7 attempts).

Control Card Notes: 
Ride Number: 7
Date: 11/23/20
Mileage (total): 5ish
Location Name: Evans's Deli
Address: 252 Humphrey Street, Swampscott, Massachusetts 
Drink: Lukewarm stale coffee and a Wicked Awesome Brownie, (actual name).
Ride note: My FIFTH completion of the fall Coffeeneuring challenge. I always enjoy these casual coffee rides in the fall. I didn't think I'd finish this year, (and there were two years where I didn't), but the low mileage minimum made it possible. 2020 has been such an awful year -- it's good to still find joy in the little things.

Tomorrow I will find better coffee
to make up for this