
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Walk in the Woods

Our October snowstorm and temps in the teens weren't enough to postpone a planned run/walk in Concord with the girls on Halloween. Alison proposed a get-together weeks ago, and as I've pretty much been a hermit through these pandemic days, I looked forward to seeing everyone! Walking is still troublesome for me, but how hard could a 3 mile hike be? Lol. Famous last words.


Most of our merry band of friends made it -- Alison, Lila, Amy, Jennifer, Lisa and Cate, (plus Cate's friend Tracy.) While Jennifer and Amy ran 7 miles, the rest of us hiked the snowy Reformatory Branch Trail -- a historical trail of the Revoluntionary war era that skirts the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. It was absolutely gorgeous with the freshly fallen snow and ice crystals -- so stunning. It was good to catch up with friends and chat and feel normal again, (even wearing masks), and I'm so glad I went despite the 19 degree start temps and limping the last mile. We ending up hiking closer to five miles, (not 3)... which is maybe why I'm now in an Aircast boot for the next month. 

My appointment with the podiatrist, Justin Kaminski, was Monday, and it appears that I have a chip fracture in the first metetarsal head. I'll be in a boot until Dec 7th, and have been instructed to stay off my foot as much as I can. I don't see how that's possible.