
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Solo rides, Social distancing

Solo ride
Like everyone (most, many) in the Commonwealth, we began adhering to social distancing guidelines and self-isolation in mid-March due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Mike was in Tahoe skiing until the 11th and then began working from home soon after. The Swampscott Schools closed on on March 12th and will remain closed until April 7th May 4th, at minimum. Obviously it has upended Chip's senior year. Aside from an occasional walk or solo ride, I've had zero motivation. We're all hunkered down.

Will, who was home for college break the first week in March, returned to the University of Michigan campus on March 6th, only to have classes cancelled and moved online March 11th. (Frustrating.) He initially decided to stay in Ann Arbor to focus on his coursework and maintain his studies -- but the situation in Michigan deteriorated quickly and he flew home last Thursday. He's been in quarantine separate from the rest of the family since.

March came in like a lamb and out like a lion this year.

Wide open spaces