Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#Bostonsnow - Hoping it melts by June

Are you tired of me writing about the snow? I'm pretty tired of it too. Since last week we were hit with two small storms and another blizzard -- apparently stuck in a three day pattern of snow and bitter, bitter cold. Enough already! I didn't get out for a ride all week, but managed to make it to P2 for mid-program testing and join the girls for a long Saturday morning Sufferfest ride. A fun morning, despite the suffering. 

(The photo above of Saturday's sunrise was taken before the blizzard hit us later in the day.)

I'm trying to stay upbeat and positive, but it's been tough!! My Vanderkitten teammies in California and Arizona... plus Rebecca out in Colorado... have been filling my Strava feed with beautiful long rides in warm, sunny temps. It's killing me. Shoveling snow three times a week is just not the same.