
Friday, December 13, 2013

Pure Power Cycling (P2) Winds Down

The first session of Coach Shayne's Pure Power Cycling Program (aka P2) ends next week with a final test coming up on Wednesday. Since I haven't been riding daily, my weekly workouts with Shayne, (and a half-assed attempt at the homework), plus a few spin classes each week, have been the most riding I've been doing lately. I'm actually not sure if my power and speed has improved, but we'll see... It really feels like I've gone backwards.

I was too late to sign up for the P2 Endurance class on Saturdays, so I'll be back at it on Wednesday mornings next session, starting in January. I've been riding with fellow Spiders Lila and Kristen, and we have a ton of fun. Lila has dubbed it the Wednesday Rec Ride, which Shayne will say is "So not pro." Hahaha... too funny. (If anyone wants to join us, the website for info is