
Monday, December 9, 2013

Social Media Madness

To keep in touch with my fellow Vanderkitten VIPs around the globe, I'm getting a quick refresher on a few of the social media options I've had little interest in, or have been ignoring, thus far. I've re-engaged my Twitter account, (which hadn't been used in a while), and checked in on Flikr and Pinterest, (which also sat idle). I've also finally downloaded a new Strava app to my iPhone since my Garmin is missing. I love Strava, but haven't been able to record my rides since October, and I miss being in touch!

New to my social media profile is Instagram (!), which I'll figure out soon. Many of the kittens post on Twitter and Instagram, and I love seeing their pics, so I'm going to step it up and use both a little more in 2014.

I'm also making a few updates to the blog and have added "sharing options" to the bottom of my posts.  Hello to my sister VK VIPs! (#vk4life)