
Monday, December 2, 2013

Cold Gray Days

It's been a full week since I learned I was chosen as a Vanderkitten VIP in 2014. It's been an exciting week getting to know some of the other girls, where they are from, and what athletic disciplines they're involved in, etc. Very inspiring. There are many racers, mountain bikers, triathletes and ultra-endurance athletes among us -- from across the country and around the globe. While I've been stuck indoors, I've been reading reports of rides from the girls in Australia, Arizona and California... lucky kittens! They all make me want to get out and ride!

I've managed to get in my workouts on a trainer and on the spin bikes at the Y this past week. The winter weather has definitely settled in. On Sunday, I squeaked off the waitlist for Nancy's spin class, and then completed my P2 homework afterwards. It wasn't much, but it was something... and it beat riding in the cold drizzle. (Plus, I earned some bacon, which made my workout seem better!) The Tri Inside the Y kicks off today! I plan to start with some rowing tomorrow. Yay.