
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sea Glass Ride 2013

Today we had our 8th Annual Sea Glass Ride in memory of Cyclopath Sue de Vries. (It's hard to believe eight years have passed already.) This year's ride was a low key affair, in part because Ethan, who organizes the ride, was flat-out busy preparing for and riding three large charity events this summer. Eleven of us gathered this year for the ride to Gloucester... but in classic Cronin fashion, I offered to host the Cyclopath post-ride brunch/annual season gathering (usually held pre-PMC) for the entire gang of 50. After getting a later start towards Gloucester, and knowing that Cyclopaths not riding the Sea Glass Ride would start showing up at my house at 11:00, I opted to take the shorter route and turn back in Manchester with Anne and Drew. (No Gloucester for me today.)

I'm glad I cut it short.

Riding Will's bike for just 25 miles was torture. I picked up a pedal wrench to swap out his caged pedals for my clipless, but at 7:15 am, minutes before I needed to head out the door, I realized I forgot to make the swap! And no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get the pedals off. (Yes, I should have switched them the night before.)

Fun on the Sea Glass Ride. Bunny ears for Drew.

I gave up and hopped on the bike and took off for Salem. Five minutes into the ride, the bike started making clicking noises. (Thanks, Jeff, for taking care of it in Salem). Ten minutes into the ride, I realized there were no brakes. (Yup). Halfway to Manchester, my butt started getting sore. Really sore. I just couldn't get comfortable. The thought of riding 40 miles to Gloucester on Will's bike was not very appealing. It just didn't fit me.

With my Trek headed to San Diego, I've been hitting the Y this week for quick spin workouts -- and unless I can make the adjustments to Will's bike tomorrow, I may just stick with the gym the next few days. I miss my bike already.