
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday Motivation

Actually, today is Tuesday... but since yesterday was Labor Day and a holiday, it sure feels like a Monday. The boys had Friday and Monday off from school -- giving them an extra long weekend -- but at 7:15 a.m., before I could take a sip of coffee as we made the mad rush out the door, Chip dropped a history book on the counter to inform me that it needed to be covered with a brown paper bag. ("Homework").

Uhhhh, Chip. You couldn't have asked me to do this on any of the four days prior?! I quickly covered the book and snapped, "I'm done bailing you out. I'll bail you out of jail but I won't bail you out of homework." But then, realizing what I actually said, added, "Just don't go to jail."

Will chuckled, "Quote of the day, MOM. 'I'll bail you out of jail. Just don't go to jail.' Wait until my friends hear that one." Sigh. I'm clearly losing my sanity. (I was kidding, of course!)

Yes, it feels like Monday. I squeezed in two rides over the weekend, but got drenched during both. Pop-up showers are so unfair. One minute it looks clear for a ride... and then 10 miles later, you're in the middle of a downpour. It happened to me all weekend, and I just couldn't escape the rain. I cleaned my bike after Saturday's ride, only to ride through Sunday's soaker and flash floods in Danvers. What a mess. My cycling shoes are still sopping wet this morning, but I'm hoping to squeeze in a ride today before school lets out. It will be nice to clear my head before the second half of the day begins.