
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Easy 50 Miles. Back to Gloucester

I headed up to Gloucester today for a loop through Magnolia, Rockport and Annisquam -- a near repeat of the route I took 2 weeks ago when I was hit with the fever/chills. (Today's was a better ride.) The loop up through Annisquam is one of my favorite routes, and I just wanted to ride the coast today -- along the stretch at Bass Rocks that looks out to the Twin Lighthouses on Thatcher Island; the challenging hills from Halibut Point to Lobster Cove, and the pokey stop-and-go through downtown Rockport... Really, we are so lucky to live here.

Looping out along the rocky roads of Magnolia, I caught sight of a schooner in full sail, (probably the Thomas E. Lannon), as it sailed past one of the smaller islands in the background. Really gorgeous. Continuing on to Gloucester, I stopped for a few minutes for a quick break, pulling over by the Fishermen's Memorial statue. A tourist asked me to take her photo, so I did... and then another asked me to do the same... and after taking several photos of The Man at the Wheel, I decided to snap a photo of my own, just because.

50 miles today, not very fast, but felt good to ride.