
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Seriously, crazy-fun day

PMC 2013 had a few hiccups. The very minute I hit the highway as we headed down to the Wellesley start, I realized I left my cycling shoes and helmet back home! Argh. (We had to turn around and drive back to Swampscott, adding 40 minutes to the trip.) Not a good way to start the morning!

We arrived in Wellesley with just 15 minutes to spare. Will and I quickly rushed straight to the registration table to get him checked in, (I pre-registered on Friday), and could hear my phone chirping with text messages from Cyclopaths wondering where we were. After Will was checked in, we located the team and snapped a picture or two before the start of the National Anthem. We sure cut it close!

Looking over at Will, Sheldon, Donna and Brenda, I was so excited for them... the countdown was ready to begin... and then I realized, I didn't have my helmet! OMG. Where was it? I quickly ran over to to the sidelines to our fellow teammates who came down to wish us off, but my helmet wasn't there, either. I figured I must have left my helmet in the car -- in the parking lot 10 minutes away! Damn!

Drew grabbed my bike out of the sea of cyclists, and she and Will pulled over to the side while I ran to the car to find my helmet.

Meanwhile, the two of them realized that the announcements broadcast twice over the loud speaker -- "We have someone's helmet and chocolate muffins" -- which we had all laughed at -- had to be MY helmet. Ha ha ha... Drew, Will and I found it on a table with 2 paleo pumpkin muffins inside. (OMG! That's right! My ride fuel! I forgot I had them!)

Ha ha ha... those announcements were about ME. They will never let me live this one down. (Chocolate muffins... ha ha ha...)

Will and I scrambled to catch up with the mass of PMC riders who had a 15 minute head start on us. Not a problem.

It was a crazy, crazy start... but just the beginning of the adventure. (More later.)