
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tornados? That Won't Stop Brandi!

Tornado warnings outlined in red
Monday's wild weather, including tornado warnings for most of Essex County in the late afternoon, was not enough to stop Brandi Dion from a SpiderOne ride yesterday. I made bad calls on my own all last week with regards to the weather -- and didn't want a repeat of that -- so I loaded the bike into my car and headed over in the drizzle to the B&S facilities just in case we were "on" for a ride.

And yup. We were on.

Just five of us -- Brandi, Steve D., my buddy Joe, and Tracy (who I rode with last week.) The rain was falling lightly as we headed out of Salem over to Marblehead to do a 4 loop workout on the neck. Brandi's instructions were to go easy on the first lap and then harder with each successive lap. Ha ha... hanging on to the four of them for the first lap was already my hard. I dropped back a bit on the second, and stopped to help Tracy with a flat, catching a break before my third lap. I intended to stay with her for a fourth lap while the others headed back -- but then she got another flat. Ouch!! No fun for her. (She called for a ride home while the four of us rode back to Salem together.) A good workout, though very wet.

When we got back to B&S, I had 16.6 miles on the gps -- but forgot to hit the stop button before it recorded the car trip home. My Highlander is now QOM* of the Marblehead Hill. (Not posting the workout on Strava because of it, which is too bad. I really did have a PR (51 sec.) on the Marblehead Hill.) Oh well. Will get it next time.

*Queen of the Mountain