
Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day Break

Marblehead Harbor, photo by Peter Schalck

I love this photo taken by my cousin Peter last night of the anticrepuscular rays illuminating above the Marblehead lighthouse, after sunset and before the fireworks. It reminds me of how lucky are we to live in such a beautiful place. (Thanks, Pete!)

The heat and sun has returned and it's feeling like summer again! Yay! Heat without sun... when it's just humid and wet like it was all last week... not so much fun. The last two days have been gloriously dry scorchers, so today I headed out early at 5:30 a.m. to beat the heat. I stayed local, crossing the Nahant Causeway for a loop of the hills of Nahant, and then back to the mainland to skirt the Swampscott coast up to my second causeway -- Marblehead. I rode the Marblehead Neck loop on Wednesday with frustrating results. (Passing the beaches, Castle Rock, and three Yacht Clubs the day before the Fourth of July was not a good plan.) Today, it was an easy three loops of the Neck before 7 a.m., and then out for a perimeter ride of the town. 35 local miles... not too bad. I beat the rising temps and got home in time to take Will to his football conditioning workouts. Easy.

Congrats to Mike on his fantastic finish in the Firecracker Four yesterday in the 90 degree heat! It was a tough day for a four mile run, but he did it in great time! Way to go, Mike!