I'm still energized from my ride last Sunday with RSC and the Rapha Women's 100. Yesterday was my rest day, (Shayne gives me Tuesdays off from any kind of exercise), and I needed it after the metric on Sunday and a hard recovery ride with SpiderOne on Monday. (I meant to ride an easier recovery... but it's hard not to feel a little pressure when you're riding with the Spiders.)
A few photos from Sunday's 100 have been posted on various social media sites, and I showed a few to Chip. He just shrugged and said, "You've done way bigger rides than this before."
True. But this was before my hematocrit took a dive and before last summer's crash! It felt good to have a solid, strong ride on Sunday! I tried to explain this, adding, "I'm not young anymore, Chip. It's hard to bounce back from these things!" He asked how old the other women were, and I suggested early to mid twenties. He wasn't impressed. "So. You're in your thirties. You're not that much older."
I asked him how old he thought I was, and he said, "I know you were, like, 29 last year or the year before.... So you're 30 or 31."
Has he never done the math?? I wanted to ask him if he really thought I had Will when I was 15.... but I didn't even want to go there. You gotta love Chip. ♥ ♥ It's just a number.