
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Swim, Bike, Run

Will, Mike & Chip, Father's Day 5K
Between Mike, Will, Chip and I, the four of us completed a Cronin relay triathlon this weekend -- Both boys finished out their Silvers swim team season on Saturday while I headed out on the bike for a Cyclopath ride. (32 miles to Boxford. Lots of stops for regrouping and breakfast.) Then on Sunday, Mike ran in the Father's Day 5K up in Rockport! He did fantastic and beat his time from his 5k on Long Island in April. Way to go Mike! I brought my bike up to Rockport for the ride home after his run, just under 30 miles for 60 total this weekend. Not a lot of miles, but nice to finally get some riding in after a week of rain. So good to see the sun!