
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fundraising is On

I'm finally getting a bundle of the latest edition of The Cronin Family Newsletter for the Pan Mass Challenge in the mail. It's a big one this year, and maybe not the best edition of my should-be-award-winning masterpiece... but it's in the mail. (And yes, I discovered a typo after printing. Sigh. At least it's just one this year.) Staples was only able to copy half of the newsletters I'd ordered because they ran out of paper. (I know... I'm shaking my head at that, too. How does Staples run out of paper?!) At least it gave me a chance to fix my typo before they finish the remainder of my order tomorrow.

I wrote about both rides, PMC and EOD, in the newsletter, so it's a tad rambling, so please forgive me on that. (I also included what Will wrote for this year's newsletter, despite the sass he aimed at me. We are so competitive with each other it's crazy -- but fun, too.)

Every time I send out a fundraising letter, I face down a ton of anxiety over asking people for their support. It's a hurdle I have to jump with each envelope I seal. I'll see a mom I know from lacrosse and wonder, should I ask her?... should I not?... am I imposing?... and ultimately, I get over it. If I'm going to meet my goals on behalf of the Jimmy Fund and the Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation, I need to move beyond my insecurities and just ask.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to ALL of you who support me and keep encouraging me to ride for the charities that mean so much to us -- and for not making me feel like I'm asking for the world when I ask for your support. It is comforting to know there are so many of you in my corner -- and I hope you know that I'm in yours.