
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a crazy/active weekend with morning rides, the boy's swim team practice (Saturday) and lacrosse and rugby (Sunday). Mike was away, running his 5K in New York, so I grabbed my rides where I could. I hopped into Keli's spin class on Saturday while the boys were in the pool and had a great workout -- and then managed to get out on the road later in the day for an 18 mile loop -- followed by 24 miles early the next morning.

Sunday afternoon saw me logging more miles in the car than on the bike, so I was grateful for that morning ride. I dropped Chip off at the lax field at 12:30, drove Will to the rugby field in Danvers, returned to Swampscott to catch Chip's game, and then flew back to Danvers to pick up Will. There just isn't an easy way to get through Salem quickly.

Exhausted and heading home at 4:00 after a whirlwind of driving, Will complained that he was starving and asked if we could stop at McDonald's. (Oh, yuck.) I gave him a look and he smiled through a bloody, swollen, fat lip and said, "Just messing with you, Mom. I love you." He sure knows how to play me.

I relented on the "I love you" and got him a Big Mac... and only told him it wasn't real food twice. (I must be slipping.) It was a long day.