I didn't adopt a paleo diet to lose weight, although I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds. Who wouldn't? I cleaned up my diet because of my health. I struggle with fatigue and a condition called hemolytic anemia. (In a nutshell, red blood cells are destroyed too early in my spleen -- while my bone marrow tries to keep up.) As we've all learned from Lance Armstrong, athletes covet those oxygen-rich, pumped up red cells for performance and endurance. (And since blood doping is out of the realm for me... Wow, that is insane, isn't it?)
I picked up a book called Practical Paleo after several people in my farm co-op suggested a few recipes in it. As I read the book, I became more interested in cleaning up my (our) diets. Mike is on board with a paleo lifestyle, Chip is half and half, and Will... is Will. ("Don't take away my processed fooooood! My chocolate pudding snack packs, Chips Ahoy and Kraft Mac & Cheese!!! I'll DIE!" (So typical Will.)
Adopting a whole foods approach -- eliminating refined sugars, grains (cereal grains, wheat, corn), dairy, and all processed foods -- has helped restore my energy. (A year ago, my bike sat idle all winter long. This year, it's a different story.) I no longer have the overwhelming fatigue that used to hit me in the afternoons. I feel a hundred percent better. I know I'll always have a low hematocrit and B12 -- I can't control that -- but I can definitely control the food choices I make and how they effect me. Paleo is working for us!