
Friday, January 11, 2013

Spinny Spin Spin

I've never really enjoyed spin classes. Riding a stationary spin bike, for me, is analogous to a treadmill for most runners. I'd rather be out on the road. Still, the cold weather and a consistent time commitment makes spin class ideal through the winter. I started spinning regularly in November while working on the Tri Inside the Y, and finally realized that the key to spinning success is finding the type of instructor that really fits you and your kind of ride.

Some people like the bootcamp approach -- spin instructors who scream directives like drill sergeants -- but that doesn't work for me. After trying out several different classes, I've found the right fit and terrific instructors; Lisa (Tuesdays at the Y) leads a great class, though it currently conflicts with my Tuesday morning snowboarding; Keli, is now teaching a spin class on Thursdays; and I like Nancy for 2 classes, Fridays and Sundays. Nancy has a fun sense of humor, plays great eclectic music, and I find that I work harder in her class. Plus, she introduced me to using a heart rate monitor which has made my workouts more efficient. I actually find myself looking forward to spin classes these days. Who knew?

The weather looks good for our Cyclopath Frostbite Ride tomorrow. I believe Ethan is skiing... will I be riding solo in the morning or will Ed be joining me? We'll see tomorrow...