
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Frostbite Mechanical Failure

We had a mild day for a ride -- hard to believe it's January! Ethan, Ed and I headed out to Wenham for a light breakfast at the Wenham Teahouse. (Contrary to Cyclopath opinion, the teahouse is not my favorite destination.) It was Ed's first time back on a bike, though, and the teahouse was his suggestion... so off we went!

We had a nice ride along hilly back roads through Beverly and Hamilton to Wenham. After a looooooong breakfast, (normal for the teahouse), we headed back to Salem. Since it took me a good 30 minutes of riding just to warm up at the start of the ride, taking an hour-long break for breakfast and allowing my body to cool down made getting back on the bike tough. It took a good many miles to shake off the chill and warm up again. (I am adopting a new winter riding rule -- no more long breakfast stops! A DDs for a quick hot caffeine fix will suffice just fine.)

The temps were in the mid 40s with no wind, but the fog kept the air raw and damp, making it feel colder than it was. Still, we had a terrific ride home until we hit the Beverly-Salem Bridge. Ed dropped his chain on the bridge and it jammed into the bike pretty hard. The two guys spent some time trying to free the chain but it just wouldn't budge. We ended up walking the bikes together for the final stretch to Salem, with Ethan singing off key for part of the way. We left Ed at the Salem Common, not too far from his car, before scooting home. A great ride, despite a few bumps.

Question of the Day: Were Ethan and Ed subconsciously rooting for the Denver Broncos yesterday? Both boys were dressed in matching shades of ORANGE. Too funny.