
Friday, December 21, 2012

The Finish Line to 2012

Just 1 week to go before 2012 comes to a close -- It's that time of year when folks start thinking about setting new goals and making resolutions for the new year.

This year has really gone fast, although in reality it was no faster than any other year. I had a lot of support this year in my 2012 goal to get stronger, fitter and healthier. I owe a lot to 5 amazing women who encouraged me throughout the year and kept me on track to seize each day. Leslie, Kim, Elena, Pam and Deb... Thank you. (I'm looking forward to setting new goals and reaching for higher stars with you in 2013.)

I'm also indebted to Christine Hopkins and Keli Howe for helping me reach my fitness goals. (I still haven't figured out the correct way to do a burpee, but I'm working on it).

And I'd be remiss without saying how grateful I am to ride with my dear friends of the North Shore Cyclopaths. The last 2 years have been tough for us -- and my crash this summer didn't help matters. I guess, though, in hindsight it's given us something to laugh about. (I'm not too thrilled about being nicknamed "Crash Cronin", however. That's a little harsh.)

There are still 10 days left to 2012. I'm still riding our Saturday morning Cyclopath rides, although my fellow frostbiters are wimping out. (Is it still a Cyclopath ride if I'm riding alone?) I'm also working hard to complete the Tri Inside the Y Ironman Challenge. I'm glad there are still ten days left because I have a lot of running and rowing to do. This challenge has helped me make better choices this holiday season... I've been ignoring the carton of egg nog that stares at me every time I open the fridge.

I can see the finish line to 2012 -- I intend to finish strong.