
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holiday Week

Strong winds following the storm that hit us Friday cancelled my Cyclopath Frosbite Ride on Saturday. Instead of riding, I prepared for our holiday week, baked (ate) gingerbread cookies and banana bread, and made gifts for our neighborhood cookie exchange.

It turned out to be a great weekend to squeeze in some running for my Tri Inside the Y -- I'm soooo close to finishing! I ran for 3 miles on Sunday, with Chip keeping me company while I ran on the treadmill. At one point he asked, "Why do you run so slow?" I just looked at him for a minute and answered, "I'm not running slow... I'm running in slow-motion. You see, I grew up watching The Six Million Dollar Man. This is how Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers ran." (Ya. That reference was lost on him.)

He nodded his head and said, "Ah. I see." -- And then walked over, took a peek at my speed, chuckled and walked away. It's just not easy sometimes.

I'm hoping to wrap up my rowing commitment tomorrow at the Y -- Just 7,100 meters to go! I plan to get on the rowing machine tomorrow and just bang away at it until I'm done. I'm so close to finishing this Tri -- and with just 4.5 miles left to run, I can almost celebrate.

UPDATE 12/24: Rowed 7,100 meters at the Y today. Rowing DONE!! Yay!