Although I'm still a member of the
North Shore Cyclopaths, (and one of the 30/30 in Bourne!), I will be riding this year's PMC on
Team Wishing Welles in support of 4 year-old
Welles Mason of Swampscott. Welles lives nearby and was diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma last fall. (His older sister, Caroline, in this photo from October, is a first-grader at the boys' school). Welles is being treated at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and is a pedal partner for Team Wishing Welles. The team is led by several riders the Cyclopaths have nicknamed, "
Ethan's Posse" -- friend's of Ethan's who occasionally ride with the Cyclopaths, though never stop for breakfast!) They are really nice guys and have welcomed me to their team -- and hopefully a few other Cyclopaths will follow.